Finances Start with ME, Money Elementary.


Empowering Your Financial Future, One Episode at a Time!

Demystifying the Traditional 401k:Growing Your Garden of Wealth
Demystifying the Traditional 401k:Growing Your Garden of Wealth
Welcome back to Money Elementary, Season Two! We break down the Traditional 401k, using a vivid garden analogy to illustrate its growth and the inevitable tax implications. We delve...
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Season 1 Wrap Up: Personal Finance Foundation
Season 1 Wrap Up: Personal Finance Foundation
In this week's episode, Heidi and I, Vanessa, take you on the ULTIMATE REEEECCAAPP of the season. We dive deep into the heart of financial literacy, revisiting the personal finance...
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Buying a House Part 3: Baking Your Home Sweet Home
Buying a House Part 3: Baking Your Home Sweet Home
Through the maze of home-buying in “Money Elementary, Part 3: Baking Your Home Sweet Home,” we dive deep into the essentials of the home-buying process. From understanding...
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Buying a House Part 2 – Light at the end of the home buying tunnel
Buying a House Part 2 - Light at the end of the home buying tunnel
In this enlightening episode of “Money Elementary,” we guide you through the intricacies of home buying in “Home Part 2: Light at the End of the Home Buying Tunnel.”...
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Buying a House: One Size Does Not Fit All
Buying a House: One Size Does Not Fit All
In today's episode 8, “Buying a House: One Size Does Not Fit All,” we dive into the complexities of purchasing a home amidst economic challenges. With rampant inflation...
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Field of Flowers: Steering Through the Car Buying Process
Field of Flowers: Steering Through the Car Buying Process
In this enlightening “Money Elementary” episode, “Finding the Field of Flowers,” we delve into the nuances of car buying. From initial experiences of purchasing...
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We are going to do a deep dive into real life financial challenges and situations. We will share real life stories in which people have failed and succeeded.

Meet Heidi, the tech-savvy wizard behind Money Elementary, with a dazzling 20-year sprint in the IT realm and a proud shoutout to the University of Houston under her belt. She turns financial tales into a playground of wisdom, alongside her partner-in-crime, Vanessa. Together, they're on a mission to sprinkle financial fairy dust far and wide, making dollars and cents as enchanting as a storybook adventure. Heidi's dream? To craft a financial spellbook not just for her daughters but for anyone stepping into the magical world of money management.

Enter Vanessa, the rockstar Operations Coordinator with 4 fabulous years of orchestrating operations and a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from, you guessed it, the University of Houston! She's the Co-host and COO at Money Elementary, where she adds a spark of dynamism to their quest for spreading financial literacy. When she's not conjuring up educational access spells, you'll find her trekking through national parks, on a quest for the most enchanting rocks to add to her mystical collection.

In their off-script moments, Heidi is the outdoor enthusiast, soaking up nature's wonders with her wife and daughters, or pushing her limits in epic workout challenges. Vanessa, on the other hand, is the adventurous soul, with a heart set on exploring every nook and cranny of the great outdoors and its geological treasures.

Together, Heidi and Vanessa are not just co-hosts; they're financial experiences, turning the daunting world of finance into a fun-filled journey, one episode at a time. Their spell? To empower you with the knowledge to navigate your financial path with confidence and a sprinkle of joy.